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    Question ID:   14029         Current Version: 1
Question: What are the benefits of learning a foreign language?
Category: Education > Language Instruction
Keywords: benefit, learn, second, foreign language
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 307    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Knowing other languages bring opportunities:

  • Extend your reach
  • Know another culture
  • Get a better job 

The world is full of languages. How far do you have to go from your front door to know that this is true? Think about how many more people and places you could really get to know, newspapers and books you could read, movies and TV programs you could understand, Web sites you could visit with another language! 

Give Yourself a Competitive Edge

Did you know that studying a second language can improve your skills and grades in math and English and can improve entrance exam scores- SATs, ACTs, GREs, MCATs, and LSATs?

Research has shown that math and verbal SAT scores climb higher with each additional year of foreign language study, which means that the longer you study a foreign language, the stronger your skills become to succeed in school. Studying a foreign language can improve your analytic and interpretive capacities. And three years of language study on your record will catch the eye of anyone reading your job or college application.

If you've already learned a language other than English at home, expanding your knowledge of its vocabulary, grammar, culture, and literature- at the same time you are learning English-will also improve your chances for success in school and in your career. 

The Job Advantage in a Global Economy

More and more businesses work closely with companies in other countries.

They need many different kinds of workers who can communicate in different languages and understand other cultures. No matter what career you choose, if you've learned a second language, you'll have a real advantage. A technician who knows Russian or German, the head of a company who knows Japanese or Spanish, or a salesperson who knows French or Chinese can work successfully with many more people and in many more places than someone who knows only one language.

There are lots of Americans who speak languages other than English. Nurses, doctors, or police officers may need to speak more than one language to do their jobs well. Hotel managers or journalists who know English and Spanish or English and Korean may look much better at promotion time than people who know only English.

Professionals who know other languages are called on to travel and exchange information with people in the United States and other countries throughout their careers. Knowing more than one language enhances opportunities in government, business, law, medicine and health care, teaching technology, the military, communications, industry, social service, and marketing. An employer will see you as a bridge to new clients or customers if you know a second language. You are also more likely to win the trust and friendship of people whose languages you know- even if you know them just a little.

Learn Other Cultures: Your World and Beyond

Discover new worlds! Get an insider's view of another culture and a new view of your own. Studying a new language, reading other people's stories, and connecting with people in their own language can be a source of pleasure and surprise. Connect with other cultures. Learning about other cultures will help you expand your personal horizons and become a responsible citizen. Your ability to talk to others and gain knowledge beyond the world of English can contribute to your community and your country. 

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