Question: |
What are the amount of atmosphere and atmospheric composition of the planets in our solar system? |
Category: |
Science > Astronomy & Space |
Keywords: |
planet, solar system, air, amount, atmosphere, atmospheric composition |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 100 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Following table shows the amount of atmosphere and atmospheric composition of the planets in our solar system:
Planet |
Amount of Atmosphere |
Atmospheric Composition |
Mercury |
Trace atmosphere = .000000000000010 bars |
42% oxygen (O2)
29% sodium (Na)
22% hydrogen (H2)
6% helium (He)
0.5% potassium (K)
possible trace amounts of: argon (Ar), carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), nitrogen (N2), xenon (Xe), krypton (Kr), neon (Ne)
Venus |
Atmosphere = 92 bars |
96.5% carbon dioxide (CO2)
3.5% nitrogen (N2)
water (H2O) - 0.0020%
trace amounts of: sulfur dioxide (SO2), argon (Ar), carbon monoxide (CO), helium (He) and neon (Ne)
Earth |
1 bar (at sea level) |
78% nitrogen (N2)
21% oxygen (O2)
0.035% carbon dioxide (CO2)
1 to 4% water vapor (H2O)
300 Dobson Units ozone (O3)
0.002% methane (CH4)
0.9% argon (Ar)
trace amounts of: helium (He), krypton (Kr) and hydrogen (H2)
Moon |
0 bars |
None |
Mars |
Atmosphere = 0.0061 bars |
95.32 carbon dioxide (CO2)
2.7% nitrogen (N2)
1.6% argon (Ar)
0.13% oxygen (O2)
0.08% carbon monoxide (CO)
water (H2O) - 0.0210%
trace amounts of: nitrogen oxide (NO), neon (Ne), hydrogen-deuterium-oxygen(HDC), krypton (Kr) and xenon (Xe) |
Jupiter |
Atmosphere > 1000 bars |
89.8% hydrogen (H2)
10.2% helium (He)
0.3% methane (CH4)
~0.0004% water (H2O) (varies with pressure)
trace amounts of: ammonia (NH3), hydrogen deuteride (HD) and ethane (C2H6)
Saturn |
Atmosphere > 1000 bars |
96.3% hydrogen (H2)
3.25% helium (He)
0.45% methane (CH4)
trace amounts of: ammonia (NH3), hydrogen deuteride (HD) and ethane (C2H6) |
Uranus |
Atmosphere > 1000 bars |
82.5% hydrogen (H2)
15.2% helium (He)
~2.3% methane (CH4)
trace amounts of: hydrogen deuteride (HD) |
Neptune |
Atmosphere > 1000 bars |
80.0% hydrogen (H2)
19.0% helium (He)
1.5% methane (CH4)
trace amount of: hydrogen deuteride (HD) and ethane (C2H6) |
Pluto |
Atmosphere ~ 0.000003 bars |
Methane (CH4), nitrogen (N2) |
* 1 bar is the average atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth.
Source: NASA
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What are the amount of atmosphere and atmospheric composition of the planets in our solar system?
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