Question: |
What is a Cesarean section? |
Category: |
Health & Beauty > Women's Health |
Keywords: |
Cesarean section, deliver, baby, birth, delivery, surgery, c-section |
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what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 356 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
A Cesarean section ( it is aslo called C-section) is surgery to deliver a baby. The baby is taken out through the mother's abdomen. In the United States, about one in four women have their babies this way. Most C-sections are done when unexpected problems happen during delivery. These include
- Carrying more than one baby
- Health problems in the mother
- The position of the baby
- Not enough room for the baby to go through the vagina
- Signs of distress in the baby
The surgery is relatively safe for mother and baby. Still, it is major surgery and carries risks. It also takes longer to recover from a C-section than from vaginal birth. After healing, the incision may leave a weak spot in the wall of the uterus. This could cause problems with an attempted vaginal birth later. However, more than half of women who have a C-section can give vaginal birth later.
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What is a Cesarean section?
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