Question: |
Who invented wire coat hanger? |
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Home & Garden > Other |
Keywords: |
origin, invent, inventor, wire coat hanger, Albert J. Parkhouse |
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who |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 434 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Today's wire coat hanger was inspired by a clothes hook patented in 1869, by O. A. North of New Britain, Connecticut. Albert J. Parkhouse, an employee of Timberlake Wire and Novelty Company in Jackson, Michigan, created a coat hanger in 1903, in response to co-workers' complaints of too few coat hooks. He bent a piece of wire into two ovals with the ends twisted together to form a hook. Timberlake patented his invention, but it is not known if he profited. Schuyler C. Hulett received a patent in 1932 for an improvement which involved cardboard tubes screwed onto the upper and lower portions to prevent wrinkles in freshly laundered clothes. Three years later Elmer D Rogers created a hanger with a tube on the lower bar which is still used today.
Source: USPTO
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Who invented wire coat hanger?
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