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    Question ID:   11416         Current Version: 1
Question: What are nitrates/nitrites?
Category: Science > Chemistry
Keywords: nitrates, nitrites
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 205    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Nitrates and nitrites are chemicals that can be found naturally in our environment. Two of earth's most common elements, nitrogen and oxygen, combine to form these nitrogen-containing compounds. Nitrates are essential (needed) nutrients for plants to grow. Nitrates can be found in the air, soils, surface waters and ground water (underground drinking water).

How are Nitrates used?

Because nitrates are needed for plants to grow, concentrated man-made nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used on golf courses, lawns and are heavily used in farming communities to grow vegetable crops. Nitrates and nitrites are also used as meat preservatives and to improve the color of meats.

How do Nitrates get into the environment?

Nitrates are generally found in surface waters and shallow ground water. Plants naturally release nitrogen when they die and decompose (rot). The nitrogen from the rotting plants oxidize (combine with oxygen) to form
nitrates. During a rainfall, surface water can move through the soil and carry these nitrates down to the underground drinking water (ground water).

Other ways water can be contaminated with nitrates is through the use of products that contain large amounts of ammonia. Ammonia is oxidized (combines with oxygen) and forms nitrites. Liquid ammonia fertilizer spills can form nitrates that also make their way through the soil to the ground water.

Because humans and animals (mammals) eat vegetables and preserved meats, nitrates and nitrites can be found in human and animal waste. Old and poorly maintained sewage systems and improper well construction can contaminate ground water with nitrates as well.

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