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    Question ID:   11228         Current Version: 1
Question: What are the health effects of strontium-90?
Category: Health & Beauty > Other
Keywords: health effect, risk, expose, exposure, strontium-90, strontium
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 301    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

How can strontium-90 affect people's health?

Strontium-90 is chemically similar to calcium, and tends to deposit in bone and blood-forming tissue (bone marrow). Thus, strontium-90 is referred to as a "bone seeker." Internal exposure to Sr-90 is linked to bone cancer, cancer of the soft tissue near the bone, and leukemia.

Risk of cancer increases with increased exposure to Sr-90. The risk depends on the concentration of Sr-90 in the environment, and on the exposure conditions.

Is there a medical test to determine exposure to strontium-90?

The most common test for exposure to strontium-90 is a bioassay, usually by urinalysis. As with most cases of internal contamination, the sooner the test is taken after ingesting or inhaling the contaminant, the more accurate the results will be. Most major medical centers should be capable of performing this test.

Source: EPA
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