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    Question ID:   1096         Current Version: 1
Question: How to choose a right pet?
Category: Home & Garden > Pets
Keywords: home, choose, pet, like, questions, responsibility, tips, care
Type: how
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 377    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


To bring a pet into your home should never be a ‘spur of the moment' choice. Pets are live animals - not stuffed animals to be discarded when you are "tired" of them. Pets can be a life-long responsibility so be careful what you choose to share your life.

First, here are some questions you should think before choosing a pet.

  • Why do you want a pet?
  • Does anyone in the household have allergies?
  • Are you prepared to care for a pet for a long time such as more than 10 years?
  • Can you afford to own a pet with costs such as registration, vaccination, vet bills, food, grooming, desexing and boarding?
  • Do you have time to care for a pet? eg: exercise, grooming, obedience and play
  • Who will look after your pet when you're away?
  • Do you live in a suitable location for a pet? eg: away from main roads
  • Do you have adequate space for the pet you are considering?
  • What hours do you work, and will the pet have any company during the day?
  • If you are renting accommodation, do you get permission from the property owner for raising a pet?
  • If buying a puppy/kitten, can you provide care during the day and meals at regular intervals until it is six months of age?
  • Does a pet fit in with your lifestyle, activities, sporting pursuits and priorities?

If you think there is no problem for you to raise a pet and you have decided which kind of pet you will bring. Then please take care that owning a pet rise some responsibilities for you.

  • You must feed him. There are many pet stores where you can buy food from for your pet.
  • You must care of his health. Take your pet for regular check-ups from your local vet, and ensure you provide the required vaccination for him.
  • Keep a clean, fresh environment for you pet. That's obvious.
  • Take some time for your pet. You must take some time to play or just walk around whit your pet. It's very important for your new pet.

Tips on choosing a pet

  • Research the pet before you take on the responsibility. Do not "impulse" buy!
  • Use care in purchasing a pet from a pet shop. Some disreputable shops get their puppies and kitten from breeding mills. This can mean the animals have genetic problems, which can cause behavior and temperament issues, or physical problems which will require veterinary care.
  • Do check into local rescue groups or shelters for your perfect pet.
  • Don't be intimidated by all of this. A pet can be a loving addition to your life, and all of the work and responsibility is well worth it. But you still must be ready to take responsibility.
  • Remember that adoption can help or even save the lives of cats or dogs, so adoption is a great way to obtain a cat or dog. Also, most pet adoption homes provide spaying or neutering services and microchips for your pets even before you adopt them. In some places it is even a law for adopted pets to be altered. This saves them from overpopulation, especially for cats.
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