Question: |
What are some signs of soil erosion? |
Category: |
Science > Environment & Ecology |
Keywords: |
sign, soil erosion |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 300 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Wind erosion:
dust clouds,
soil accumulation along fence lines or snowbanks,
- a drifted appearance of the soil surface.
Water erosion:
- small rills and channels on the soil surface,
- soil deposited at the base of slopes,
sediment in streams, lakes, and reservoirs,
- pedestals of soil supporting pebbles and plant material.
Water erosion is most obvious on steep, convex landscape positions. However, erosion is not always readily visible on cropland because farming operations may cover up its signs. Loss of only 1/32 of an inch can represent a 5 ton per acre soil loss.
Long-term soil erosion results in:
- persistent and large gullies,
- exposure of lighter colored subsoil at the surface,
- poorer plant growth.
Source: USDA
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What are some signs of soil erosion?
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