Question: |
What are the advantages and disadvantage of Kamchay hydroelectric dam in Cambodia? |
Category: |
Business & Finance > Economics |
Keywords: |
advantage, disadvantage, positive, negative, impact, hydroelectric, dam, Kamchay, Cambodia |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 476 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
Positive Impacts:
- Provide sustainable electricity power supply for economic development and help reducing poverty.
- The project of building the dam will create job opportunity for local people.
- Help control flooding in the surrounding area especially during the early raining season.
- Improve condition for aquatic biodiversity in Prek Kompongbay.
- As a by-product of the project, infrastructures, such as bridge, road, reservoirs, resorts will be developed and promote tourism.
- Government can get tax on the dam project profit.
Negative Impacts:
- Non-recoverable loss of forest land and biodiversity.
- Huge social and economic cost.
- Potential pollution can make water supply a tough issue to deal with.
- Lack of regulation in water flow can impact agriculture production.
- Increased salinization can decrease the yield of agricultural sector.
[1] The Kamchay Hydroelectric Dam, Sam Chanthy, October 2007
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What are the advantages and disadvantage of Kamchay hydroelectric dam in Cambodia?
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