Question: |
What do I need to know wildland fire? |
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Science > Environment & Ecology |
Keywords: |
wildland fire, wild, wildfire, knowledge, natural process |
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what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 426 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Wildland fire is a natural process similar to floods, earthquakes, etc.; natural processes cannot be controlled.
- Fire requires combustible material (fuel source), an ignition source (heat) and oxygen; remove or significantly reduce any one of the three and the fire cannot exist.
Fire conditions are influenced by many factors, including humidity, fuel moisture content, wind speed, slope and air temperature.
Humans use fire for their benefit (e.g., to prepare soil for seeding, for heating, light, cooking and natural resource management).
- Research and planning techniques have helped to make fire suppression efforts more efficient, but not all fires can always be easily contained. The Smokey Bear messages are most appropriate, especially for undesired wildfires caused by humans.
Wildland fire use provides benefits for habitats such as reduction of fuels, increased forage, pest/disease control , return to earlier successional stages and management of invasive species.
- In order for society to fully appreciate the role of fire as a technique for natural resource management, citizens must understand that fire is beneficial if properly managed.
- We, as a society, usually define wildland fire as good or bad, based on resource management policy, law, politics, social issues, values, etc.
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What do I need to know wildland fire?
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