Question: |
How does Cambodian government do to reduce poverty in Cambodia? |
Category: |
Business & Finance > Economics |
Keywords: |
Cambodian government, reduce, poverty |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 446 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
In 2002 the Government made significant progress on several fronts to reduce poverty:
- The National Assembly adopted the Second Socio-Economic Development Plan (SEDP-II), which lays a solid foundation for poverty reduction. The SEDP-II and the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper provide the framework for a true action plan to reduce poverty.
- The Government also made significant progress in 2002 by producing strategies for moving forward in a number of key areas, including education, health, governance, and nutrition. These were complemented by on-going efforts to improve public expenditure and revenue management, and define a medium-term expenditure framework.
- Cambodia's leaders are working to reduce poverty, restore social and economic infrastructure, and build a stable macroeconomic framework.
- The government has already made encouraging progress in raising revenues.
- They have launched difficult reforms in the public sector - fiscal management, civil-service restructuring, and military demobilization -- and have agreed to allow the reforms to be closely monitored by local and international donors.
- Government officials have been willing to engage in public monitoring at the highest levels. For example, the prime minister has begun chairing semi-annual consultations between donors and the government. In addition, the government has contracted with a reputable international non-governmental organization (NGO) to monitor the country's progress in forestry reforms.
- Government dialogue with private businesses and civil society is increasing.
[1] Cambodia: Country Brief, The World Bank
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How does Cambodian government do to reduce poverty in Cambodia?
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