How can I earn income? |
You earn income by contributing (asking, answering, or editing questions) to Wisteme through Wisteme's advertisement revenue sharing program.
How much will I earn?Wisteme earns advertisement revenue by displaying ads using Google AdSense. To reward contributors to Wisteme, Wisteme shares 50 percent of its revenue with its contributors, i.e. all the contributors to a given question share 50 percent of the advertisement revenue generated due to the displaying of that question.
How do I get started?
- Learn about Google Adsense if you are not familiar with it. provide good tutorials that walk you through step-by-step instructions.
- Create a if you do not have one.
- Sign up a Google AdSense account at and send us your AdSense ID.
- The AdSense product Wisteme uses is AdSense for Content.
- You may choose any kind of Ad type and format in your setup.
- What Wisteme needs is your AdSense account ID. It is under "My Account -> Account Settings -> Property Information", such as:
AdSense for Content: ca-pub-1234567890123456;
or it is in your Ad code that looks like:
google_ad_client = "pub-1234567890123456";
- Email your AdSense ID to for including in Wisteme web pages.
How can I earn more income? |
Please note that your opportunity for earning income at Wisteme could be revoked anytime you violate either Wisteme Terms of Use or Google Adsense policies.
- Make more contributions. The more you contribute, the more opportunities you will have to share advertisement revenue.
- Make high quality contributions. Only when the information you provide really helps others, will they come back to read your contribution again and even share it with their friends.
- Spread the word about Wisteme. The more people who use Wisteme, the more likely they will view your contributions.
- Create your own Wisteme group to organize people with similar interests to ask, answer, and edit questions in your specific area of interest.
- Create links from other websites to your questions at Wisteme.com. The more links you have to point to your questions, the better they would rank in search engine search results. The websites you could possibly create the links are your business site, blog site, social network site, digg.com, reddit.com, or del.icio.us etc.
- Do not click on the Google ads you are serving through AdSense.
- Do not edit questions just for the sake of sharing advertisement revenue.